About me

Photo of myself used in my profile
I’m a Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering with the School of Computing and Digital Technologies of Sheffield Hallam University since September 2019. Previously (2012 - 2019), I was with the School of Science and Technology and then Metropole Digital Institute (IMD) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Brazil, where I was the Head (Sep 2017 to Sep 2019, and Aug 2015 to Jan 2016) and deputy Head (Sep 2013 to Aug 2015) of the Post-graduate Programme in Software Engineering (PPgSW) of IMD, now Post-graduate Programme in Information Technology (PPgTI).
I’m the leader of the Applied Software Engineering Research Group (ASERG) where I’m actively involved in R&D in the area of Software Engineering and its interplay with Information Security, exploring topics like Self-adaptive Software Systems, Service-orientation and Business Process, Secure by design, Digital Identity Management and Access Control. I have been involved in different projects applying the above mentioned topics in the context of Smart City applications (e.g., smart building management, fine-grained access control), development and deployment of infrastructure and applications for Cloud Computing and IoT, techniques for multi-factor authentication and detection/response of insider threats.
More information about project and academic details can be found in the ASERG page.
If you are interested in pursuing a PhD under my supervision, please check this page.